Conquer English

First Certificate Students Often Confuse These .... !

   Cambridge FC ( First Certificate ) öğrencilerinin sınavlarda sık sık karıştırdıkları ( genel anlamda çoğu kişinin ) kelime grupları üzerinde duracağız.

Lesson 1

Journey, travel , trip , way

Sizlere seyahatle ilgili bu kelimeleri uzun ve kısa sürecine göre sıralayın diye sorsak, cevabımız nasıl olurdu ?

1 journey

2 travel

3 trip

4 way

"Yanlış " dediğinizi duyar gibiyim. Evet doğru sıralama : travel ( seyahat ) , journey ( gezi , geziye çıkmak ), trip ( gezi,yolculuk ) , way ( yol ).

Aşağıdaki metinde bu seyahat kelimelerini kullanmaya çalışalım ;

Last summer I went on one of the ( 1 )  ---------------- to İstanbul.During the day I sat around the lobby and played billiards with my friends and we were very lazy. Then we made a  ( 2 ) ------------------ to the mountains, that was about an hour to the hotel. On the ( 3 ) ---------------- back to the hotel we saw a snake just on the road. Oh! It was very scary.

Shortly, I think one of the best things to remember about the foreign  ( 4 ) -------------------- is to see different places and people.

1 journey - 2 trip - 3 way - 4 travel



Journey : travel from one place to another / bir yerden bir yere seyahat

trip : a journey from one place to another for a short time. / Kısa seyahat, gezi

way : a route that you take to get from one place to  another / tutulan, gidilen yol

travel : general word for the activity of long visits./ uzun yolculuk, seyahatın genel adı


Exercises ;

a weekend ----------------- to London

on the --------------- to he hotel , we stopped and bought something.

I have booked a ----------------- to Athens with my classmates.

In a business --------------- , you have chance to see other businessmen.

We spend more on foreign ------------------ than before.

Can you tell me the ------------ to the hospital , please ?

I hope you have a good --------------------- to London, see you a few days later.

The ---------------- to my town takes 20 minutes.

( sondan başa = journey - trip - way - travel - trip - trip - way - trip )

Types of Holiday               Holiday Activities           Places to stay

a camping holiday at a campsite meeting new people

beach holiday

at a luxury hotel climbing
cruise cruise ship walking
backpacking at sea visiting monuments
independent travel mountains sunbathing
  at the sea sight relaxing


Lesson 2

See, watch and look

Again we will study here, the words that ESOL Examination students often confuse.



See : to notice people with your eyes / gözlerle insanları farketmek, görmek

watch : to look at something for a period of time / belli bir süre bir şeye bakmak, seyretmek

look : trying to see something or someone / birini veya birşeyi görmeye çalışmak.,  bakmak


He saw a big snake on the way -back to the hotel. / ...gördü

I checked the room, but I couldn't find my purse. - Look everywhere - You know I have looked everywhere./ heryere bak.

We watched Brad Pitt's last movie at home yesterday.


Lesson 3


Listen and hear

Meanings and examples

hear : let the sounds, music come to your ears without desire / ( bazan istemedende olsa)  bir şeyi duyma hareketi.

I can't hear what you say. / Ne dediğini duyamıyorum.

I couldn't hear the music from next door.

Can you hear me perfectly ?

Listen ( to ) : to say that you try to hear something. / Duymaya çalışmak ,dinlemek

Listen to me ! Dinle beni.

We listened to the teacher carefully. / Öğretmenimizi dikkatlice dinledik.

I can't listen to the music because of the noise !