Prepositional Phrases 3
Yaygın kullanılan edatlı ifadeleri vermeye devam ediyoruz.
He had a contact with me by facebook at the end of the last year.
at and time ;
at last , at first, at the end, at the beginning ;
at first ( at the start ) ;başlangıçta, ilk olarak, ilk zamanlar, ilk önce
At first the berries are green, then they turn out to be red when they ripe
İlk başta, çilek yeşildir, olgunlaştıkça kırmızıya döner
At first I was frustrated by the new staff, but then I was ashamed of their success.
İlk başta yeni kadro beni hayal kırıklığına uğratmıştı, ama başarıları beni utandırdı.
At last ; in the end; finally; in conclusion. (sonunda, nihayet)
At last I was elected to the Recruitment Administration. / Sonunda işe alma yönetimine seçildim.
At last he arrived at the party. / Sonunda partiye katıldı.
At the beginning ; Başlangiçta
At the beginning of the derby, the best player of United was injured/foundered.
Oyunun başında United'ın en iyi oyuncusu sakatlandı.
At the end ; sonunda ( of )
At the end of the match, all the spectators went down the pitch. / Oyunun sonunda
bütün taraftarlar sahaya indi.
İletişim ile ( communication ) alakalı kelimelerle;
By email
Everybody in this seminar has to contact me by email. Seminerdeki herkes benle email yoluyla kontakt kurmalı.
by phone
Everybody in the seminar has to contact me by phone.
Seyehat ( travelling ) ile alakalı kelimelerle ;
I ll do my shopping by credit card this week. / Bu hafta alışverişimi kredi kartı ile yapacağım.
We will be on holiday next week today./ Gelecek ay bugün tatilde olacağız.
We are going on a trip with the new administration./ ...gezide
My boss is in the USA on business. / ....işte
With media
On TV, on the radio
I was talking on my mobile in the street yesterday.
on the internet
I searched the documents about the universe on the internet.
At last I found it on a very popular website.
with past and future
I arrived here in 30 minutes./ Buraya 30 dk. içinde vardım.
In the future, I'd like to be an scientist who will do researh about the universe elaborately.
In the past, we used to play very successfully.
in with languages and skills / Diller ve dil bölümleri
This email was written in English, can you read it ?
Please write your CV in capitals / Lütfen CV nizi büyük harflerle yazınız.
Please write your answers in pen.
I have made a note in pencil.